35. J. G. Porquez, R. A. Cole, J. T. Tabarangao, and A. D. Slepkov
Brighter CARS hypermicroscopy via “spectral surfing” of a Stokes supercontinuum
Opt. Letters, 42, 2255, 4 pages (2017)
34. J. G. Porquez, R. A. Cole, J. T. Tabarangao, and A. D. Slepkov
Spectrally-broad coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering hyper-microscopy utilizing a Stokes supercontinuum pumped at 800 nm
Biomed. Opt. Express, 7, 4335, 11 pages (2016)
33. A. D. Slepkov, A. J. Vreugdenhil, and R. C. Shiell
Score Increase and Partial-Credit Validity When Administering Multiple-Choice Tests Using an Answer-Until-Correct Format
J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93, 1839-1846
32. J. T. Tabarangao and A. D. Slepkov
Mimicking Multimodal Contrast with Vertex Component Analysis of Hyperspectral CARS images
J. Spectroscop., 2015, 575807, 8 pages (2015)
31. A. D. Slepkov, K. B. Ironside, and D. DiBattista
Benford's Law: Texbook Excercises and Multiple-Choice Testbanks
PLoS ONE 10(2): e0117972 (2015)
30. A. M. Barlow, A. D. Slepkov, A. Ridsdale, P. J. McGinn, and A. Stolow
Label-free hyperspectral nonlinear optical microscopy of the biofuel micro-algae Haematococcus. Pluvialis
Biomed. Opt. Express, 5, 3391-3402 (2014)
29. A. D. Slepkov, A. M. Barlow, A. Ridsdale, P. J. McGinn, and A. Stolow
In vivo hyperspectral CARS and FWM microscopy of carotenoid accumulation in H. Pluvialis
Proceedings of SPIE, 8937, 893709 (2014)
28. A. D. Slepkov and R. C. Shiell
A comparison of constructed-response and integrated testlet question formats
Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res. 10, 020120 (2014)
27. A. F. Pegoraro, A. D. Slepkov, A. Ridsdale, D. J. Moffatt, and A. Stolow
Hyperspectral Multimodal CARS Microscopy in the Fingerprint Region
Journal of Biophotonics, 7, 49-58 (2014)
26. A. D. Slepkov
Integrated Testlets and the Immediate Feedback Assesment Technique
American Journal of Physics, 81, 782-791 (2013)
25. A. M. Barlow, K. Popov, M. Andreana, D. J. Moffatt, A. Ridsdale, A. D. Slepkov, J. L. Harden, L. Ramunno, and A. Stolow
Spatial-spectral coupling in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
Optics Express, 21, 15298-15307 (2013)
24. A. M. Barlow, K. Popov, M. Andreana, D. J. Moffatt, A. Ridsdale, A. D. slepkov, L. Ramnunno, and A. Stolow
Spatial-Spectral coupling in hyperspectral CARS microscopy images
Proceedings of SPIE, 8589, 85890T (2013)
23. R. C. Burruss, A. D. Slepkov, A. F. Pegoraro, A. Ridsdale, D. J. Moffatt, and A. Stolow
Unraveling the complexity of deep gas accumulations with 3D multimodal CARS
Geology, 40, 1063-1066 (2012)
Older Publications
22. S. E. Schrauth, B. Shim, A. D. Slepkov, L. T. Vuong, A. L. Gaeta, N. Gavish, and G. Fibich
Pulse splitting in the anomalous group-velocity dispersion regime
Opt. Express 19, 9157-9171 (2011).
21. A. D. Slepkov, A. Ridsdale, A. F. Pegoraro, D. J. Moffatt, and A. Stolow
Multimodal CARS Microscopy of Structured Carbohydrate Biopolymers
Biomedical Optics Express, 1, 1347–1357 (2010).
20. A. D. Slepkov, A. Ridsdale, T. Ning, J. Wang, A. F. Pegoraro, D. J. Moffatt, F.-J. Kao, J. P.
Pezacki, and A. Stolow
Forward-collected simultaneous fluorescence lifetime imaging and coherent anti-Stokes Raman
J. Biomed. Opt. 16(2), 021103 (2011).
19. K. Ohta, S. Yamada, and K. Kamada; A. D. Slepkov and F. A. Hegmann; R. R. Tykwinski; L. D.
Shirtcliff and M. M. Haley; P. Sałek, F. Gel’mukhanov, and H. Ågren
Two-Photon Absorption Properties of Two-Dimensional π-Conjugated Chromophores:
Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 105-117 (2011).
18. A. F. Pegoraro, A. D. Slepkov, A. Ridsdale, J. P. Pezacki, and A. Stolow
Single laser source for multimodal coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
Appl. Opt. 49, F10–F17 (2010).
17. V. Venkataraman, P. Londero, A. R. Bhagwat, A. D. Slepkov, and A. L. Gaeta
All-Optical Modulation of Four Wave Mixing in Rb-Filled Photonic Band-Gap Fiber
Optics Letters, 35, 2281-2283 (2010).
16. G. M. Guryanov, A. D. Slepkov, A. L. Gaeta, and K. W. Koch
SIMS analysis of Rb-doped hollow-core photonic band-gap silica fiber using a CAMECA 4550
Surface and Interface Analysis, 43, 566–568(2011).
15. A. D. Slepkov, A. R. Bhagwat, V. Venkataraman, P. Londero, and A. L. Gaeta
Spectroscopy of Rb atom in hollow-core fiber
Phys. Rev. A. 81, 053825 (2010).
14. P. Londero, V. Venkataraman, A. R. Bhagwat, A. D. Slepkov, and A. L. Gaeta
Ultralow-power four-wave mixing with Rb in a hollow-core photonic band-gap fiber
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 043602 (2009).
13. A. R. Bhagwat, A. D. Slepkov, V. Venkataraman, P. Londero, and A. L. Gaeta
On-demand all-optical generation of controlled Rb-vapor densities in photonic bandgap fibers
Phys. Rev. A., 79, 063809 (2009).
12. A. D. Slepkov, A. R. Bhagwat, V. Venkataraman, P. Londero, and A. L. Gaeta
Generation of large alkali vapor densities inside bare hollow-core photonic band-gap fibers
Opt. Express, 16, 18976-18983 (2008).
11. Y. Okawachi, A. D. Slepkov, I. H. Agha, D. F. Geraghty, and A. L. Gaeta
Absorption of ultrashort optical pulses in water
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 24, 3343-3347 (2007).
10. Y. Zhao, N. Zhou, A. D. Slepkov, S. C. Ciulei, R. McDonald, F. A. Hegmann, and R. R.
Donor/acceptor effects on linear and nonlinear optical properties of geminal-diethynylethenes
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 90, 909-927 (2007).
9. A. D. Slepkov, F. A. Hegmann, R. R. Tykwinski, K. Kamada, K. Ohta, J. A. Marsden, E. L.
Spitler, J. J. Miller, and M. M. Haley
Two-photon absorption in 2-D conjugated quadrupolar chromophores
Optics Letters, 31, 3315-3317 (2006).
8. Y. Zhao, Y. Shirai, A. D. Slepkov, L. Cheng, L. B. Alemany, T. Sasaki, F. A. Hegmann, and J.
M. Tour
Synthesis, spectroscopy and nonlinear optical properties of multiple [60]fullerene-oligo (p-Phenlene Ethynylene) hybrids
Chem. Eur. J., 11, 3643-3658 (2005).
7. S. Eisler, A. D. Slepkov, E. Elliott, T. Luu, R. McDonald, F. A. Hegmann, and R. R. Tykwinski
Polyynes as a model for carbyne: synthesis, physical properties and nonlinear optical response
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 2666-2676, (2005).
6. T. Luu, E. Elliott, A. D. Slepkov, S. Eisler, R. McDonald, F. A. Hegmann, and R. R. Tykwinski
Synthesis, structure and nonlinear optical properties of diarylpolyynes
Org. Lett., 7, 51-54 (2005).
5. Y. Zhao, A. D. Slepkov, C. O. Akoto, R. McDonald, F. A. Hegmann, and R. R. Tykwinski
Synthesis, structure, and nonlinear optical properties of cross-conjugated perphenylated isopolydiacetylenes
Chem. Eur. J., 10, 1-10 (2004).
4. A. D. Slepkov, F. A. Hegmann, S. Eisler, E. Elliott, and R. R. Tykwinski
The surprising nonlinear optical properties of conjugated polyyne oligomers
J. Chem. Phys,. 120, 6807-6810 (2004).
3. A. D. Slepkov, F. A. Hegmann, K. Kamada, Y. Zhao and R. R. Tykwinski
Optical properties of cross-conjugated iso-polydiacetylene oligomers as measured by UV-Vis
spectroscopy and the optical Kerr effect
J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 4 207-211 (2002).
2. A. D. Slepkov, F. A. Hegmann, Y. Zhao, R. R. Tykwinski and K. Kamada
Ultrafast optical Kerr effect measurements of third-order nonlinearities in cross-conjugated isopolydiacetylene
J. Chem. Phys., 116, 3834-3840 (2002).
1. M.G. Hildebrand, A. Slepkov, M. Reedyk, G. Amow, J.E. Greedan, and D.A. Crandles
Far-infrared optical properties of antiferromagnetic SmTiO3
Phys. Rev. B., 59, 6938-6942 (1999).