Slepkov Trent Physics

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Graduate Studies:

We have openings for motivated and curious students in the Trent University Graduate Program in Material Science. There are openings both for MSc and PhD projects in nonlinear optical characterization and microscopy using ultrafast (broadband) pulsed lasers for studying a wide range of materials ranging from the biological to the geological. Students will receive extensive hands-on training in experimental nonlinear optics and ultrafast laser photonics. Furthermore, opportunities exist for instrumentation design, computer programming, nonlinear optical modelling, and electronics work.

If you are interested in exploring graduate studies opportunities in the department of Physics and Astronomy at Trent University, please contact Dr. Aaron Slepkov.


Undergraduate summer projects:

We always have projects for a student or two each summer. We are currently building up the infrastructure in the lab, so summer work may include construction and design, computer programming and equipment automation, and data analysis. Furthermore, past summer projects involved research trips to the NRC in Ottawa for training and data collection, and/or involved physics education research (PER). Trent university students who hold a USRA (or apply for one with Dr. Slepkov) will recieve first priority in hiring, followed by USRA students from across Canada. Undergraduate students who do not have an NSERC USRA but who are eager to develop professionally as scientists and are interested in working with us in the summer are also encouraged to contact Dr. Slepkov anytime.



We are currently looking for a postdoc with experience in microscopy and/or ultrafast laser spectroscopy for a project involving the design and assembly of a laser-scanning nonlinear optical microscope. Experience with Raman or other vibrational-contrast microscopy would be an asset. Ideally, this person will also have experience with electronics, equipment integration and automation, and Matlab or Labview programming. Interested individuals should contact Dr. Slepkov.